Tag: password protection
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How to Restrict Content by Role in WordPress
Ever wondered about a situation where the wrong users are seeing content on your website that they shouldn’t? Maybe paying members are sharing premium resources with non-members. Or perhaps sensitive company documents are accessible to someone who shouldn’t have access to them. Worse yet, what if someone with the wrong permissions accidentally edits or deletes…
How to Password Protect PDF Files without Acrobat and Using Passster
For most businesses, sharing PDF files has become a common marketing strategy. These files include ebooks, white papers, checklists, case studies, and more. Many of this information often contain exclusive content and demands restricted access. So when businesses are sending out these PDF documents, they want to ensure that these files are accessible only to…
How to Create a Password Protected Portfolio in WordPress
Learn how to create a password protected portfolio in WordPress with this step-by-step guide. Create one or multiple protected portfolios with ease.
How to Create a Password Protected Website in 2023
Learn how to create a password protected website in 2023 with this step-by-step guide and the password-protection WordPress plugin Passster.
How to Password Protect Your WordPress Website in 2025
Learn how to password protect your WordPress site with this step-by-step guide. Secure your WordPress site with a password today.
How to Restrict Page Access to Logged-In Users in WordPress
Learn how to restrict page access to logged in users in WordPress with this step-by-step guide. Including WordPress settings and a plugin.
How to Make Your WordPress Site Private: A Step-by-Step Guide
If you’re wondering how to make your WordPress website private, this article is for you. With a private website, you’ll be able to restrict access to it and secure your site’s content. Whether you want to run a membership website, offer subscriber-only content, or have a private blog, making your WordPress website private will help…
How to Create a Private Page in WordPress
If you’re looking to create a private page in WordPress, then this guide is for you. No matter if you’re creating a private landing page, private blog, or any type of private content, the techniques within this article will help you get it done. These techniques work well for: This guide contains a few different…
How to Password Protect a Page in WordPress
If you’re looking for a way to password-protect a page in WordPress, we’ve got you covered. Passwords are the best way to keep your content safe from prying eyes. If you don’t want people to see your blog posts or pages, password-protecting them is a great way to keep them secure. But with a few…
How to Create a Private WordPress Blog in 2022
In this guide, we’ll show you how to create a private WordPress blog. Plus, we’ll show you how to do it using the secure password protect WordPress plugin, Passster. If you’re here, you likely want to publish content on your blog but only have it available for private viewing. Either that or you want to…